AMD Radeon Settings Free Download also comes equipped with a game manager, enabling users to quickly add and manage game profiles in order to ensure optimal game performance on any hardware configuration. This ensures each game can run at its highest performance level possible for best possible experience on each system configuration.
This software also comes equipped with an auto update feature to ensure users always have access to the newest drivers and software for their graphics card.
AMD Radeon Settings windows 10 download is a Shareware program developed by Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. in the category of Graphics Applications.
AMD Radeon Settings was initially added to our database on 1/8/2016 and updated accordingly on 11/09/2020. It currently stands at version 2020.505.1151.21339.
AMD Radeon Settings runs on all versions of Windows operating systems.
AMD Radeon Settings was given two out of five stars from users of its services.
- Title: AMD Radeon Settings 2020.505.1151.21339
- Operating Systems: Windows