Intel Rapid Storage Technology new version is a Freeware utility in the category System Utilities developed by Intel Corporation.
Intel Rapid Storage Technology was originally added to our database on 10/19/2009; is used by 5 percent of installations worldwide.
Intel Rapid Storage Technology can be installed and run on Android/Windows systems; its download file weighs 18.4MB.
Users have given Intel Rapid Storage Technology 4 out of 5 stars rating.
What are the minimum system requirements for Intel Rapid Storage Technology?
Intel Rapid Storage Technology requires at minimum three components to function: Windows-based operating system (Windows 7 or later), an Intel chipset supporting RAID technology and at least two physical disks attached to the system.
Can Intel Rapid Storage Technology work on Macintosh or Linux systems?
Intel Rapid Storage Technology only applies to Windows-based systems equipped with an Intel chipset that supports RAID technology; therefore it cannot be utilized on Macintosh or Linux operating systems.
How can I upgrade or install Intel Rapid Storage Technology?
Intel Rapid Storage Technology can be updated or installed by downloading and following installation instructions on Intel’s website. When updating, please make sure that it is compatible with both your operating system and hardware before beginning installation.
Do I pay a cost associated with Intel Rapid Storage Technology?
Intel Rapid Storage Technology is an entirely free utility available from Intel’s website for download.
Can Intel Rapid Storage Technology work with third-party RAID controllers?
No. Intel Rapid Storage Technology was designed specifically to work only with Intel chipsets that support RAID technology and cannot be used with third-party RAID controllers or any other piece of hardware.
- Title: Intel Rapid Storage Technology
- Size: 18.4MB
- Operating Systems: Android, Windows
- License: Freeware
- Date added: 02/01/2020
- Publisher: Intel Corporation