Apache OpenOffice For Free Download Windows 7 is an Open Source Business Software from Apache Software Foundation that was released as open-source software in 2009.
UpdateStar users checked for updates 14,263 times over the course of last month using our client application UpdateStar client application.
Apache OpenOffice latest version 4.17.9800 was officially released on 10/14/2019 after first entering our database on 8/2/2007; most popular among these installations being 4.1.7 which accounts for 14%.
Apache OpenOffice can run on various operating systems: Android/Windows and the download file is approximately 136MB in size.
Apache OpenOffice was given 4 out of 5 stars from users.
Are we free to use Apache OpenOffice?
Yes, Apache OpenOffice is completely free for download, use and distribution.
How is Apache OpenOffice supported on various platforms?
Apache OpenOffice supports Windows, Mac OS X and Linux operating systems.
Are Microsoft Office files compatible with Apache OpenOffice?
Apache OpenOffice can read and save documents in different file formats including Microsoft Office formats like.docx and.xlsx.
Do Apache OpenOffice have all of the same features as Microsoft Office?
No doubt there may be differences in terms of features and user interface between Microsoft Office and Apache OpenOffice; however, Apache OpenOffice still provides an ample set of tools suitable for most users.
Are there any add-ons or extensions available for Apache OpenOffice?
Yes, Apache OpenOffice boasts an abundance of add-ons and extensions which can extend its capabilities and increase productivity.
Can Apache OpenOffice assist me in collaboration?
Yes, Apache OpenOffice features collaboration features that make working together easily on documents and projects in real-time much simpler.
How can I begin working with Apache OpenOffice?
Download Apache OpenOffice free of charge from their website, where instructions for installation as well as helpful documentation on its usage will be found.
Are we still actively developing and maintaining Apache OpenOffice?
Yes, Apache OpenOffice is still actively being developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundation.
- Title: Apache OpenOffice 4.17.9800
- Size: 136MB
- Operating Systems: Android, Windows
- License: Open Source
- Date added: 10/14/2019
- Publisher: Apache Software Foundatio