DriverMax download for pc is an outstanding utility that makes downloading, backing up and restoring drivers on Windows Vista/XP computers easier than ever – all within just a few simple steps! Download all required drivers quickly from one convenient place! Once your drivers have been backed up, you will have them all stored together and can reinstall all or just selected drivers in an effortless single step that should take less than an minute. Reinstalling Windows on older machines without their original CDs containing drivers may take much more time, requiring manual effort alone to achieve. With this tool, your time may be saved significantly! DriverMax makes driver installation much simpler: no longer do you have to hunt down and insert multiple installation CDs for each driver on your system or spend hours online searching. Furthermore, DriverMax new version displays an in-depth report about all installed drivers (versions/release dates/unknown devices in your PC!) plus it provides Windows Vista rating information before purchasing new hardware!
DriverMax by Innovative Solutions is a Freeware System Utilities application in its category.
DriverMax 15.15 was released on August 3, 2023 and first entered our database on August 25, 2007. Of all versions used for installations of DriverMax, accounts for 54%.
DriverMax works on Windows operating systems. The download file size for DriverMax is approximately 3.1MB.
DriverMax users gave it three stars out of five stars rating.
What Is DriverMax(r)?
DriverMax(r) is a free driver updater software that enables users to download and update outdated drivers on their computers.
How Does DriverMax Work?
DriverMax scans your PC for outdated drivers, locates updated versions for each and allows you to download and install them all with one click.
Are DriverMax applications free to download and use?
Yes, DriverMax offers both a free version with limited features as well as the pro version with additional options to purchase for purchase.
Can DriverMax cause harm to my computer?
No. DriverMax is absolutely safe to use as it only downloads and installs driver updates from reliable sources.
What Operating Systems Compatibility Does DriverMax Support?
DriverMax works seamlessly across Windows Operating System versions from XP through to 10.
How often should I run DriverMax?
DriverMax should be run once each month to make sure all your drivers are up-to-date and your computer runs efficiently.
DriverMax does not require creating an account in order to use its free version; however, creating one does provide additional benefits such as automatic driver updates and the capability of backing up and restoring drivers.
What steps can I take if I encounter issues while using DriverMax?
Should any difficulties arise while using DriverMax, contact Innovative Solutions’ customer support team immediately for assistance.
Can I uninstall DriverMax when no longer needed?
Absolutely – simply access Windows’ Add or Remove Programs feature at any time to uninstall DriverMax from your system.
What are some benefits of DriverMax?
By leveraging DriverMax, one may experience improved computer performance, increased stability and better compatibility with new software and hardware.
- Title: DriverMax 15.15
- Size: 3.1MB
- Operating Systems: Windows
- License: Freeware
- Date added: 08/03/2023
- Publisher: Innovative Solutions