FortiClient utilizes SSL and IPSec VPN technologies to provide secure, reliable access to corporate networks and applications from virtually any remote internet location. FortiClient makes remote user experience simpler through auto-connect features that always remain online – and its always-up VPN capability simplifies user experience even further.
FortiClient VPN download free is a Shareware application in the category Development developed by Fortinet Inc.
FortiClient VPN download for pc was initially added to our database on 10/20/2009 and updated as recently as
FortiClient VPN runs on four operating systems: Android/Windows/Mac/Linux. The download file weighs in at approximately 0.8MB.
FortiClient VPN has yet to be reviewed by our users and therefore no ratings can be provided here.
What platforms is FortiClient VPN compatible with?
FortiClient VPN supports Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android operating systems.
Are the steps involved with setting up FortiClient VPN straightforward?
Yes, FortiClient VPN can be easily set up by following the installation wizard’s instructions; however, technical knowledge may be needed in order to configure connection settings properly.
What protocols does FortiClient VPN support?
FortiClient VPN supports multiple VPN protocols including SSL, IPSec and L2TP.
What security features does FortiClient VPN offer?
FortiClient VPN features advanced security options like two-factor authentication, antivirus integration and endpoint detection and response for added protection.
How fast is FortiClient VPN?
FortiClient VPN speed can depend on various factors including network speed, server load, distance between user and server and so forth.
Are FortiClient VPN services free to use for personal and non-commercial use?
FortiClient VPN services can be utilized freely for personal, non-commercial, and standard protection services purposes without incurring additional licensing costs, however a license is necessary for commercial usage as well as additional features like advanced threat protection.
How can I obtain support for FortiClient VPN?
You can receive FortiClient VPN support by visiting Fortinet’s support website or reaching out to their customer support team directly via phone or email.
- Title: FortiClient VPN
- Size: 0.8MB
- Operating Systems: Android, Windows