Canon IJ Scan Utility latest version is an app for Windows 10 Shareware application from Canon Inc. developed for desktop use.
Last month, our client application users performed 17,404 checks for updates.
Canon IJ Scan Utility was officially released on 12/4/2015; our database first recorded this update on August 23rd, 2012.
Canon IJ Scan Utility supports both PCs and Mac computers; its download file weighs 30.4MB.
Canon IJ Scan Utility download received four out of five-star ratings from users.
How can I download Canon IJ Scan Utility?
Visit the Canon Support website and navigate to “Drivers and Downloads,” then “IJ Scan Utility,” before selecting the appropriate product/operating system options.
What operating systems are compatible with Canon IJ Scan Utility?
Canon IJ Scan Utility can operate seamlessly on both PCs and Macs, offering convenience to its users.
How can I troubleshoot scanning issues using Canon IJ Scan Utility?
Troubleshoot scanning issues by reviewing your scanner connections, updating its driver, and making adjustments such as resolution or color mode to its scan settings.
What file formats does Canon IJ Scan Utility support?
Canon IJ Scan Utility supports numerous file formats, such as PDF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and BMP.
How can I save a scanned document or photo using Canon IJ Scan Utility?
Save scanned documents or photographs using the “Save Settings” dialogue box by specifying file format and destination folder settings.
What resolution should I select when scanning with Canon IJ Scan Utility?
Resolution requirements vary based on the media you are scanning and your desired output, with 300 dots per inch being suitable for most document and photo scanning needs.
- Title: Canon IJ Scan Utility
- Size: 30.4MB