Dropbox download for PC is a Freeware program in the category of Internet developed by Evenflow Inc..
Dropbox was introduced into our database on 8/08/2008; currently its latest release version 178.4.4811 accounts for nearly 53% of installations worldwide. 176.4.5108 remains popular with over 51% of installations being in our database at any given moment in time.
Dropbox supports multiple operating systems including Android/iOS/Windows/Mac/Linux with download files of up to 3.6MB each.
Users have given Dropbox 4 out of 5 stars rating.
Can I access Dropbox offline?
Dropbox files can be accessed offline if they have been downloaded to a device prior to being stored online; otherwise, an internet connection will be necessary in order to gain access.
Which files can I store with Dropbox?
Dropbox can store virtually any type of file – be it documents, photos, videos or more – with only limited storage limitations limiting what can be uploaded and saved in an account.
How can I increase the storage space available to me on Dropbox?
Upgrade to a paid plan or refer friends to Dropbox to increase storage capacity, as well as take advantage of promotions and discounts provided by Dropbox from time-to-time.
- Title: Dropbox 178.4.4811
- Size: 3.6MB
- Operating Systems: Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux
- License: Freeware
- Date added: 07/11/2023
- Publisher: Evenflow Inc.