Google Drive latest version is an alternative free Freeware software program developed by Google and belongs to the category Internet.
Storejakenclients checked for updates 15,865 times within the past month.
Google Drive was direct download link recently updated with version 78.0.1 on July 18/2023; our database first listed it on April 5 2012 when first added for use by most installations (61%) as their version.
Google Drive supports Windows as the operating system and the download file has a capacity of 277.4MB.
Google Drive games download pc users gave it an impressive 4-out-of-5 star rating.
How much storage capacity does Google Drive provide?
Google Drive currently provides each user with 15GB of free storage, though additional space may be purchased if required.
How do I share files or folders on Google Drive?
Google Drive makes sharing files or folders simple by right-clicking an item they wish to share and selecting “Share”. From here they can enter email addresses of people they would like to share it with and customize their sharing settings accordingly.
How do I access files offline on Google Drive?
Yes, users can select files or folders for offline access on Google Drive by using its “More” option to select “Available offline”.
Can Google Drive be used offline?
As long as users have downloaded any files they need while offline, Google Drive allows for secure use on both their computer and mobile device.
Does Google Drive cost anything to use?
Yes, its standard version is completely free for everyone to use – although paid plans do exist if additional storage space is necessary.
How can I access my files on Google Drive from another device?
Users with internet access can quickly and seamlessly access their files on Google Drive from any device by signing into their Google account and browsing directly to its website or app, although downloading either desktop or mobile versions for improved seamlessness is also an option.
What happens if I delete files on Google Drive?
If a user deletes files on Google Drive by mistake, they’ll first go into their Trash folder for 30 days before being permanently erased – giving users time to restore files if needed.
- Title: Google Drive 78.0.1
- Size: 277.4MB
- Operating Systems: Windows
- License: Freeware
- Date added: 07/18/2023
- Publisher: Google